Welcome to
Härtwig Maschinenbau.
Do you need intricate assemblies? Or one-off designs? We fabricate and machine metal components – entirely in accordance with your needs and specifications.
Due to the extent of our production capabilities, we are virtually independent from subcontractors or service providers. We take pride in our flexibility, utmost quality, our application of Industry 4.0 principles, our state-of-the-art machinery, and our highly qualified employees.
The principles that guide us in our daily work are reliability, the prompt and timely completion of orders, and our central focus on our customers.
Our customers include renowned transport system manufacturers serving the automotive industry and mechanical engineering companies as well as numerous SMEs in the Upper Lusatia region that we serve with our products.
We look forward to serving you and making your next project a success.
Metal products
from own production
Fishing gaff
Our fishing gaff impresses with a high level of rigidity, suitability for saltwater environments, and practical handling.
Leftovers catalog
High quality steel rods
Leftovers accrue as we manufacture exclusive one-off designs or intricate assemblies from metal. The material of these leftovers resulting from processing, punching, or cutting is of high quality. These leftover materials are available for purchase here. The database is updated daily.